Introduce Yourself!

Gm fren. very cool piece



Great to see you here :smiley:

Here’s to a bright future! :wine_glass:

Hello! My name is Ezekiel and I’m an artist from Argentina.


Hello I’m MIGGSEYE and I’ve been in the NFT space for a couple of years and just now minting my first contract of my own… about time eh? Well, I’m here for support and inspiration. And maybe when I get a few of my own contracts under my belt I can lend some support back to pay it forward. Looking forward to minting my own contract for the first time.


whats good yall!! im Marty!

im an designer and 3d animator and plan on using manifold to build some fun stuff! i have a social token $PRBS and it’s gonna be the backbone of all my experiences!

check me out on twitter!!


gm! It’s great to read all of the intros here :slight_smile:

I’ve been happily collecting art in the space, and pleasantly surprised that a little coaxing prompted me to start sharing my own art, too. On both sides I’m thrilled with what manifold is doing :pray: (my time down the rabbit hole goes back beyond my art involvement, though - first out of technical/mathematical curiosity, and much later with the prospect of smart contracts potentially making it possible to create systems that can drive positive change well beyond the lifespan of their creator(s)…the latter is what finally led me to dig more seriously into NFTs :wink: )

Happy to be here!

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Hi Community. I am conceptual artist Dada Dot Dot. I am living in the Southwest of the UK. I struggle with Discord, so I am hoping I can more easily engage with the community here. Happy New Year :slight_smile:

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Hi Folks! Nice to be here and meet you all!
I’m Zac from Toronto, Canada. I’m an abstract artist and work with a number of collectible projects in a community stragety capacity. I’m also the artist of Polygoonz, and head of curation at RARA.Social.


Hi &D! :slight_smile:
I’m Zac, just followed you on Twitter. I’m also interested in Web3 Education and would love to hear about the projects you’re involved in!


Hi Community. I’m new and having some trouble deploying on Goerli and it sent me here. I’m an avid web3 collector and thought it was time to participate and add something to the space. Nice to be here and dip my toes in a little deeper.


And I got it figured out already. : )


Hi Jack! The claim pages are incredible! It has really changed how I can have my collectors actually mint pieces from me! - One suggestion is it would amazing if we had an option to change images and metadata of individual tokens after mint! Cheers! Keep up the great work! :sunglasses: :clap:


Hi all! Freelance working artist for over 15 years with digital art and physical painting. Minted first NFT in Feb 2021! Manifold changed everything! Thank you all so much for your incredible product and service! :clap: :clap:


HI this is SHU and i am a dancer minting with Manifold since February 2022

so glad to be here and thank you for aiding us artists without technology. so so thankful for you and you and everyone at Manifold.



Hello sir.I,m Deedy pt.I’m doing learn everything of nfts. Now I looking for how to drop nfts by begin drop with manifold.


Hello, my name is Christoph and I am a photographer who has been active in the NFT space since the end of 2021. I am excited to be part of this forum, and I absolutely love and am so thankful for what Manifold has done to empower the community! :blush:


Hi guys, i’m Sebeth, travel & fashion photographer, planning to mint my first editon soon, with Manifold indeed :wink:


Hello fam! Loving Manifold and the power of minting on my own contracts!
I am @newlightisuals on twitter, I create many different forms of art but mostly known for Aerial Seascape photographer on web 3. Name is Dave. Live in Australia and love the ocean.


Hi mate! Good to see you here :slight_smile:


GM all, my name is Srđan Šuša from Belgrade, Serbia. I’m an architect gone FE dev. My obsession is the built environment as you can see on my twitter or foundation profiles find all the links here. I’m building my own website here and am trying to see how manifold will fit in. Love to explore the technical and artistic parts of it all. Hit me up if you see something you like.