Time-sensitive: Need Help Updating Auction End Time

hi everyone, i’m facing a pressing issue with my manifold auction and couldn’t find a solution in the forum. i set up an auction that was supposed to end at 12pm est tomorrow, but i accidentally set the end time to 5am instead. i’ve been trying to update the listing in manifold, but i keep getting errors when i attempt to make changes.

the listing: RED WHITE & BLUE - JakNFT | Manifold

has anyone encountered this issue before or know how to fix it? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance!

gm! When you see that error, can you refresh that page and take a screenshot with the console visible? That will help us identify the error.

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With the console visible should look something like this with the error messaging on the right side. Try publishing the changes and then take the screenshot -

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Unfortunately, once the auction is started with the first bid, you won’t be able to extend the listing. This is something that built into the contract.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with!

so there is absolutely no technical way to update the listing time? all the bidders were expecting the auction to end at 12pm est on january 20