Airdrop erc 1155 limit edition error

trying to airdrop to my collectors but apparently there is a 250 limit to the recipients
is there a way that I can airdrop to all?

btw, merry christmas and happy holidays <3

hey y4si.eth,

it is possible, but it’ll require you to split your collectors by batches of 250 and do a few more transactions. i hope this can fulfill your needs. merry christmas and happy holidays!

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thank you for your respond. I noticed the number of recipients defines the editions of the artwork. so if I publish the artwork, how can I upload another csv?
or can I mint all editions to myself and airdrop it afterwards? in this way is it possible to upload csv t airdrop the editions ?

yes, it is possible to upload another csv post-publish to increase the number of editions. after you have published your initial batch of 1155, you will be able to access the “Edit” page and upload another CSV to upload the remaining batch(es).

it’s also possible to mint all editions to yourself and do a manual airdrop from you to your collectors afterwards, but this process would not be from within Studio (we currently support transferring only to one address).

sorry again for the inconvenience, and i hope this works for you!

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much appreciated for your clarification.

wish you a very happy New year <3

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