An error occurred while verifying the contract

In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:

  • What is your wallet address?

  • A summary of the issue
    I’m deploying a claim page for a new contract and token (ERC-1155). In the final steps deploying the contract I get the following error:

  • What are you trying to do?
    Deploy a new contract and token claim page for a drop this week.

  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?

  • What browser are you using?
    Chrome on Windows - Version 125.0.6422.60 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  • What wallet are you using?
    Coinbase Wallet

What happens when you click retry?

Around 5 hours ago I retried 3 times and it failed with same error every time.

I just retried now and it seems to have worked after refreshing the page. Think we’re good to go, thanks :slight_smile:

No problem! Etherscan may have been experiencing issues at the time. Glad it’s resolved.