Artworks out of sync with manifold

:rotating_light:Please beware of external links. Support will only be handled on this forum.:rotating_light:

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If you’re running into issues, please provide the following in order for us to help:

  • What is your wallet address


  • A summary of the issue

Out of sync

  • What are you trying to do?

Edit the allow list on a bunch of artworks I had made to claim.
(Edit claim page)


  • What wallet are you using?


Does this issue get seen to my manifold team? Seems they are getting ignored.

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gm! Thanks for reaching out, can definitely help you figure out what’s happening.

Can you take a screenshot of where you’re getting stuck with the console visible? This will help us see any errors you maybe encountering. Also please provide us with a link to the claim you’re trying to edit. Thanks!