Auction of artworks by different artists (contract)

We want to auction the artworks of different artists, I understand correctly that these works should be minted by the artists on the collector and then they sent to our wallet? And we do an auction
I have now made a minting of the works on my manifold contract for a test, sent it to our wallet, but it is not displayed, and I can not put it in the collector for auction, what can this be due to?

We want like this The Broken Keys by ACK , but only we want to have works of different artists on this page, is it possible?

Hi can you provide more details about your wallet address and what the token is? Also might have been delayed at the time so make sure it didn’t show up yet.

Address of the wallet from which we want to make an auction:


Address of the wallet and contract of the manifold from which minfold artwork:


Mainnet address:
