Base/Zora Burn-redeem page creation "you have no burn rule" (but I do)

Hi there,

I created a burn/redeem for a Zora Base tokens and there are two major issues:

  1. when you reach the burn rule, you do not see the metadata for the token, not the image, or the token name, just token numbers:

but even if you chose those “blank” correct tokens - tthe next problem comes at the end

  1. Once you reach “publish” and click the publish button, you get the error “you have no burn rule”

Any help in how to resolve both the first and second issue?

once you click on Publish, you get the “no burn rule” error.

also, is there no preview page for the burn any longer?

gm Deconstruct! Appreciate you bringing this up - Can you send us a screenshot of the console when you see this error? Instructions here:

I am able to reproduce this. Currently investigating.

Howdy, fix is on the way. Should be live in about 5 minutes.

You’ll need to do one thing for us to fix the issue:

  1. Head back to the burn rules setup step, ensure they are correct, then hit next.
  2. Look over your Redemption Details and ensure they are also still correct, then hit next.
  3. All should be well now!

Ok, please refresh your page, which should bring you back to the last step, hit ‘save and next’ and this should be resolved now. Thanks for your patience.