I have an edition that I listed for a month. Now that its ended I want to airdrop one. I am going to keep some unlisted then list the rest again. I type in a wallet address to airdrop 1 and I click begin airdrop and nothing ever happens. Can you help me with this? Thanks
gm - Can you proivde the link to the edition page or the token you’re referring to?
The claim page link? I hope thats the one you want…
oh maybe its this
It is an edition of 15. My goal is to airdrop one. Keep 4 and re-list the rest
Got it - Can you try again and provide a screenshot with your console visible? This will help us see the error you’re running into. How do I report issues to the forum? | Manifold Help Center
Got it - Investigating.
Can you provide the wallet you’re looking to airdrop to?
hey Carlos28355.art,
it’s hard to say what’s gone wrong, as we’ve tried the airdrop flow ourselves and everything seems to be working.
from what i see in your responses, it seems like clicking the “Begin Airdrop” button does not prompt anything at all? in that case, i would suggest refreshing the tab (or even logging out and back into studio) before attempting the airdrop again.
another thing to look out for is if multiple wallet providers are enabled in the same browser.
let us know if this helps!
I believe I have closed out the tabs and logged back in via my wallet but I will try it again to know for sure. You are correct in saying that nothing happens when clicking begin airdrop. What do you mean by multiple wallet providers are enabled in the same browser? As I write this response to you I think I understand haha. Do you mean extensions? And now I am also remembering in the past having Phantom extension also caused problems. I will disable phantom and see if this works. Will report back
OK I got busy and waited for response from party getting the airdrop. They were able to get it. I believe te issue is when Phantom extension is also installed. I ran across this issue in the past (which I forgot about) I cant recall the situation but I did make a post about it and I think a community member chimed in that was likely the issue. Thank you!
Got it - thanks for the follow up!
Can you help me with this same edition? Maybe I need a new thread but Originally I created an edition of 15 for 1 month. Then it ended. My goal was to airdrop 1 and keep 4 then list the other 10. I am not sure If I did this correct. It kind of seems like it is now an edition of 10…
hello hello. Can anyone help? Thanks!
gm! Can you create a new thread with a bit more info? Please add the link of the drop. Thanks!
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