Burning Token on Manifold - Question

Burning Token on Manifold - Technical Question

Hi guys,

Quick technical question.

I minted a token on Manifold to list on SuperRare.

There is a slight error with the file so I would like to burn the token and immediately upload a new file.

My question is if I do this is the artwork (token) also removed from the SuperRare website?

I don’t want to have two JPEG tokens of the same image on my profile!

If someone could confirm that would be great!

Thank You

Alternatively you can update the metadata on the existing token with the new artwork and ask Superrare to refresh the metadata. This way the new artwork will show up as intended.

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Thanks Lyndo!

Yes i noticed this seems to be a much easier option. One question i’ve deleted the old artwork and uploaded the new one.

I re-minted on mainnet but it seems nothing has changed on SuperRare just yet?

Its been a few hours. Is it a case of waiting or do i need to contact them?

Thanks Lyndo!

Yes i noticed this seems to be a much easier option. One question i’ve deleted the old artwork and uploaded the new one.

I re-minted on mainnet but it seems nothing has changed on SuperRare just yet?

Its been a few hours. Is it a case of waiting or do i need to contact them?


I believe you’ll need to reach out and ask them to refresh the token. Some platforms will do this automatically and some are by request.