Can I Have Support on Claim Pages and Studio?

Lush life 2 did not update because you cannot change the token maximum amount from 33 to unlimited, so this prevents the date from being updated properly.

And to clarify, lush life is correct now?

Did you want the slugs updated to something else?

Regarding why the item is displayed in a duplicate manner like that, will have to investigate.

Don’t try to update anything while we investigate the display issue. Will respond back when you can try again

Ok. You CAN update Lushlife. However do not update Lushlife-2, we need to fix something on our end.

If you want updated slugs please let us know what you want them to be.

Lush life was supposed to be token ID.3, and is associated to the link lushlife-2 (i guess, because it’s really confusing to me)
it was supposed to be unlimited. 33 edition was a parameter that was generated as mistake.
unfortunately is not correct at the moment or I until don’t fix the dates at least.

if we fix the dates there’s no other way to increase the supplies eventually?

the token 4 (xxx placeholder) was generated as a doppelganger, because for some reason when i Mnted token 3, Studio still marked as a draft the original lush life page, I don’t know if is more confusing now

Ok. We can swap it. Lushlife can be token 3.

What do you want the placeholder slug to be for token 4?

As for the supply, it can’t be unlimited but you can change it to a high amount. Is that what you want?


Not really I wanted as an unlimited claim, but if there s no solution I will change the plan so.

It’s possible to shut down the page so I can manage it from the studio and eventually airdrop it to my collectors?

otherwise we can even switch the token if it’s problematic,
like making token 4 lush life unlimited, and shutting down token 3 page ( so if i can manage it from Studio I can increase supplies and deliver it as airdrop changing image and data) without claim page. whatever you think is working

Alright. Here is the current situation.

The display on the claim management app is fixed.

Lushlife now represents token 3.

sauvage-xxx represents token 4.

For token 3. You can change the date and supply. DO NOT make the supply unlimited or anything less than 33. Doing so will cause the transaction to fail and the management page will be out of sync with your claim page (we are working on protecting against bad user input but this isn’t out yet). If you create another claim in the future this modification IS possible, but for now it is not.

For token 4, there is no way to reassign it to an airdrop. However you CAN update the claim later to the asset you intend for token 4 and make an allowlist claim. The version of the claim assigned to token 4 doesn’t permit airdrops at the moment.

Ok, I’ll check later in the day if everything works and I’ll let you know.
thank you very much for support, If you like my stuff I would love to airdrop a gift for you and your colleagues

ok, I updated start/ends on token 3, but still some bug:

If I digit the link manifold…/c/lushlife I see the page as you said with the updated dates,
but, Inside the page panel, it results still the lushlife-2 link (screenshot) If I click on the button “open page” it sends me to manifold home.

then I see another bug inside Studio.
If I navigate from home>contract>tokens I see tokens 3 and 4 duplicated with the wrong image.
it was like this since the beginning actually (screenshot)

the same thing for token 4, if I go inside the page panel it results related to lushlife page (screenshot)

In case, if you can change the slug for token 4, you can name it “ruby”

(Note: we’re going to reimburse you the eth for all the times you’ve needed to update your claim on chain).

So, for token 3, please visit the page now, go to token and delete the image and upload it again. It may show the proper image right now, but it’s actually incorrect on chain. Once you’ve done that, click save. This WILL trigger a transaction, so please perform this and message back here once you’ve done so.

ok I did upload again token 3 image again

seems doesn’t affect the visualization of the page (screenshot)

from the app page instead i see like this (screenshot)

However looks like it affected again token 4, because the image we see isn’t the placeholder I updated yesterday. you can see it from opensea (screenshot) Also I noticed that token 4 is visible on OS but not updating the metadata on etherscan,

Alright, if you refresh your token page now, it should be correct.

For token 4, you will need to do the same, delete and reupload the image, click save and confirm the transaction. Please be sure to update your token name/description.

ok, I did the same for token4, it seems updated on app page, and on opensea,
except on the Studio token panel give same bug

Yes. Ignore that token page display issue for now. We are aware of it and will fix. Everything else appears correctly right?

just on etherscan is not updating the data of token 4, everithing else i guess is correct

The display issue on studio side should be resolved now! Thanks for your patience. Have sent you ETH to cover the 5 claim updates you had to deal with.

fantastic, thank you for support and investigations