Can I setup multiple mint phase and update the whitelist on the go?

Hello Community!

I was looking at the doc and couldn’t find an answer to my questions. Imagine that I want to setup a mint as follow:

1st collection of 1000 NFT that you pay to mint
2nd collection of 500 NFT that you pay to mint or you can burn X of the 1st collection to redeem collection 2
3rd collection of 50 NFT that you pay to mint or you can burn X of the 2nd one to redeem collection 3

Also, I want to be able to update my whitelist on the go.

Is that structure possible somehow with Manifold? Because if I deploy a contract to buy and another to redeem with burn, it would be hard to manage the supply.

Thanks a lot!

gm! This sounds like an exciting mint. At this time being able to mint or burn for the same tokenID isn’t supported yet. Something we’ll be considering in the future but we don’t have any kind of timeline on that.