Can't login with MetaMask - please someone help!

I see a few others with this issue. Can we get an update on what’s going on when a fix is expected? I have some time sensitive issues and need to login to airdrop.

Looks like it’s a firefox browser issue. Any feedback would be appreciated!

Thanks for reaching out - Which version of Firefox are you using? Are you using any other extensions?

lastest version 121.0 - just using metamask and revoke extensions only

Have you tried:
Clearing browser cache.
Restarting the computer.

We have seen cases where metamask fails to inject and a full system restart is the only want to resolve it.

Do you have any other browser wallets installed?

So you guys may want to make an announcement because I know a lot of people are dealing with this issue. Clearing cache/cookies didn’t work but restarting my computer did. TY!

Howdy, I just put out a patch that I think should alleviate the issue. Can you clear cache, clear cookies, reload the page, and try logging in again? Thank you! Revoke + MM in Firefox should work as it works for me right now :pray:

If you continue to have issues, my next best suggestion is to give Firefox a fresh update. After that, would be to try restarting your computer as Wilkins explained, but only as a last ditch effort. I do not believe you should have to do that if you’ve updated all your various applications and extensions.

Cheers! And super sorry to delay your airdrops. Very frustrating, I know <3

it’s fixed, thank you!!!


I’m so happy to hear this!!! Woooo. Really appreciate the patience and all your help with the debugging JWA. Cheers and happy new years!