Cant' see my old contract

Sorry if it’s a duplicate question but I can’t fix this by myself apparently (I’ve read a similar topic from some weeks ago, but still)

This is the contract “Marco”: Marco | Foundation

In manifold studio, it only appears at the bottom of “workspace settings”, without the ability to edit.


Hi there Marco!

It seems you have 2 studio accounts; one tied to the 0x7e address and one tied to 0x589bed611647e63385add071f9f4f589999fe2c7. If you log into studio with that address, you will be able to edit the contract.

Hi Jack, thanks for the reply

I’m pretty sure every interaction on that contract came from the 0x7 address, I hope you can verify this someway. I have just that one 0x7 account and everything was minted from there. I don’t know about the 0x5 address… only thing I can think of it was maybe my first eth address, but it was compromised very early, and I didn’t mint anything from there. That’s my best recollection about something that happened two years ago. I had no issues interacting with the contract for two years from the 0x7, until the new version of manifold studio.

I’d be glad if the contract could be associated with the 0x7 again… really, that’s where the contract belongs to. Please let me know. I have no access to the 0x5 and I would loose my most important mints. Thank you very much.

as an example… this is the etherscan for my ATH sale, minted in that contract… it was minted from marcomgd.eth, which is the 0x7 address… just like any other token there.
So I don’t know what happened and why I lost control of it. Please…!

Edit: also etherscan says “contract creator” is 0x7
What happened?!?

Please restore ownership of the contract to the wallet that created it. I don’t know how this even happened. I’m quite upset to say the least

Hey there Marco! I’m sorry, I didn’t get notifications on this post for some reason. And sorry to hear you’re upset :/.

I didn’t know you had lost access to the old wallet. Since that’s the case, and since it was indeed deployed by your current wallet, I’ve gone ahead and moved it to your current wallet’s workspace.

Let me know if everything looks all right now!

As far as clarifying what happened, it’s hard to say for sure as I wasn’t there. But I will say it is possible to be logged in to Manifold Studio with 1 wallet, but switch to a different wallet for contract deployment / signing a transaction. We need this functionality for some of our users who use multiple wallets but like to keep all their data in 1 account. But I can see how that could be frustrating, especially after losing access to a wallet and having to switch accounts.

Thank you very much Jack!! Everything works fine!

Forgive me having been a bit nervous, I didn’t know if it was fixable in any way, and I feared loosing control over it forever :pray:

Thanks again <3