Can't update allow list on claim page

I’m unsure if this is a bug or due to the studio upgrade - but when I try to update the list of addresses for an ongoing claim for my hypersub subscribers I get an error and it save them. I’m trying to upload a .csv and that all works until i try to publish the changes they won’t save.

the claim page Foresight | Manifold

Got it - Can you take a screenshot of your console? We can investigate. Instructions here:

thank you - i hope this is the right portion

Hi empresstrash,

sorry about the inconvenience, looking into this.

I see you are trying to update a published claim page on the Edit Page. Is the current CSV you have on the edit page what you want to update the allowlist to be?
(looks like 18 addresses starting with 0x0ca8...f4ca)

Could you try refreshing the page and trying again?

I am trying to update it with a .csv with 20 addresses.

In the address area I click change audience - reset - upload the new .csv - then submit and all that seems to register fine, but when I go to publish those changes they error and won’t save

also i refreshed everything and i still get the error

we just made another update. Can you try once more?

still unable to save but console gives different errors

Alright, can you try once more, thanks.

all system go - thank you so much for time to look into it <3

hello I am having the same problem here… I am launching my collection today, can you help please?


hey what did you do to sort this problem out? Thanks

Please open your console and expand any errors and share a screenshot. There’s likely form validation error somewhere.

I believe this is resolved, can you try again?