Can't update claim page meta data

I am trying to update the metadata of a claim page and I get an un-descriptive error. When I am on the Rules page I sometimes get the error that 0 (zero) for price is too small. When I enter 0.000000 as per the error, it still fails and the zero with decimals reverts back to zero.
This is the claim page for my 10k hafftka pepe, which I have been changing the metadata on since the 10k were minted in October last year.
The contract address for this token is
The token ID is 1

Thank you for any help, Michael

Do u mind trying again and let me know if it works please?

Thank you Dongqtm, it worked the same day you wrote but I by mistake replied to the email instead of here in the form.

I appreciate your help and especially that it was quick.
So thanks again.