Chain Synchronicity Error: Metadata update Claim Page

I need help… I have a “auction” drop tomorrow:

What is your wallet address?
A summary of the issue
I have the error message: 

Chain Synchronicity Error

Your data is out of sync with our servers and the blockchain. Please contact Forum Support.

What are you trying to do?
edit "custom reveal" at claim page
What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?
cannot publish

I have like three different claimpages (because of phases) Now I want to update at one claim page one image and metadata. I uploaded the custom csv (the error was also before I start the updateing).

Is about this claim page ( BearPunks | Manifold )
But I think the other has the same issue ( BearPunks | Manifold and BearPunks | Manifold)
all are at the same collection

That’s just a warning indicating that we may not have the most up to date information.

If you’re doing a new csv update go ahead and upload the csv and publish the changes. Everything will resolve once you publish.

woah fast reply thanks!
I’ve uploaded it I got in the left bottom corner something like “upload/updated failed” in red and now the assets and stuff looks like this (with the untitled)

What is it supposed to look like with respect to the title?

Can you share the csv?

You can also try uploading the csv once more.

Also, I’m assuming you downloaded the csv template?

The headers have to match exactly.

I’ve try to upload it 3 times with the same result. the csv should be right (I used it before the migration).
but let me share a part of it

BearPunks #1,numo,“BearPunks on Base Meet the BearPunks: Sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks. BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends.”,,Based,Fishy,Knitted Cap Grey,Rose,Bear,

hmm no I used the that csv before the migration so there was no problem before

What error did you see exactly?

Oh. The csv format may have changed as well. Can you download the latest template and see if it matches? Hard to tell without the source file.

I just download the template and I cant see differences with the one I used here example:

the template:

name description created_by image animation_url attribute::snout
string string string string string string

Here what I’m using:

name created_by description image attribute::Background attribute::Eyes attribute::Head attribute::Snout attribute::Type attribute::Neck attribute::Ears attribute::Effect attribute::1/1
string string string string string string string string string string string string string

Can you try with the same column order as what we have as well as a blank record for animation_url, just in case?

Hey Numo,

I took the CSV you gave above and restructured it to the following, which seems to work. Can you try again structuring it like this?

"BearPunks #1",numo,"BearPunks on Base Meet the BearPunks: Sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks. BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends.","","Based","Fishy","Knitted 1 Cap Grey","Rose","Bear","","","",
"BearPunks #2",numo,"BearPunks on Base Meet the BearPunks: Sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks. BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends.","","Based","Fishy","Knitted 1 Cap Grey","Rose","Bear","","","",

I tried your initial csv and saw the following error in network logs

which looks like it may have been coming from the section in your description that had commas

I think the fix was:

  1. For any string fields that could have commas as part of the text (i.e. description, image) – we need to enclose the entire field value in " " (open and closing double quotes)
  2. Also made sure the number of data entries in each row matched the number of column headers

Hey thanks for the response. I did this but I get the following error after publishing:

Here just a part of the csv I used (for the empy fields I used “”):

name created_by description image attribute::Background attribute::Eyes attribute::Head attribute::Snout attribute::Type attribute::Neck attribute::Ears attribute::Effect attribute::1/1
string string string string string string string string string string string string string
BearPunks #1 numo BearPunks on Base Meet the BearPunks: Sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks. BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends. Based Fishy Knitted Cap Grey Rose Bear
BearPunks #2 numo BearPunks on Base Meet the BearPunks: Sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks. BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends. Based Looking Right Headband Golden Medical Mask Bear

Now if I want to publish I get immediately this error (its the inspector of Firefox):

Can you help us by telling us which endpoint call is failing?

Please expand that request.

I just try it again ist waiting waiting… publish is not ending… let’s see if this times it will work?
At the inspector (Network analtics tab in firefox) I see Manifold is doing this kind of this over and over for different files:

But I’m waiting like move than in hour I would say…
I will further… i hope we can fix this… (I planned a project auction in ~3 hours…)

If I have new outputs I will write here… thanks

AHH as I’ve sent it I got an error:

it stopped here:

here the console output:

this is when I collabs the request XMLHttpRequest:

I upload 1934 rows… maybe to much hmm?

We should be able to handle this, investigating, please give us a bit.

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hey there, can you give it once more try?

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worked thank you very much for all your patience and guidance!

just three points:

  1. I got again an email that the claim page is created (but I just updated the metadata maybe there should be an option not to announce it for everyone)
  2. It toook incredible loong to update (maybe a progress bar to show something…)
  3. maybe it took so long because data was not synchron… but I remember I did this update metadata before migration and it took not so long just few minutes (I think because only changed metadata were updated).

any this is just feedback thanks