Chain Synchronicity Error

In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:

  • What is your wallet address?
  • A summary of the issue
    gettin error message: Chain Synchronicity Error
    Your data is out of sync with our servers and the blockchain. Please contact Forum Support.
  • What are you trying to do?
    edit burn/redeem page
  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?
    cannot save/publish
  • A screenshot of the issue/error with the console. Instructions here: Reporting Issues to the Forum | Manifold Studio | Manifold Docs
  • What browser are you using?
    brave browser on macbook
  • What wallet are you using?

gm - its been a minute! Thanks for the heads up - This should be resolved. Let me know if you’re still having issues…

still having an issue - says error saving or publishing. thanks.

problem resolved, went through now

Hello, I’m having a similar issue trying to update a token on my contract, the address of which is 0xeEF86d06cEAAfD959a39a651936D2560aDE93451

I get the following message when trying to update the metadata: Chain Synchronicity Error
Your data is out of sync with our servers and the blockchain. Please contact Forum Support.

using chrome and metamask, my eth address is 0x6ed5a435495480774Dfc44cc5BC85333f1b0646A

Thank you for the help!

Hello, just checking in again on my request for help with this same issue…

Is this for a link? For a token? Which app are you using and do you have a link?

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I’m trying to edit an older burn token, I want to change the art and metadata, but I’m getting the out of sync error, thanks for your help!

howdy! also taking a look at this today. will report back with updates.

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we’ve identified the core issue. will report back when a fix is live. thanks for the patience. will be shortly.

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Hi, this should be fixed now, can you take a look?

Hey, thanks for checking on this. The Chain Synchronicity Error is gone, but when I tried to edit/publish the new image/metadata, I got a new error. pic attached:


Which app is this from? We’ll treat that as a separate issue.

Hi, we believe we’ve fixed this. Can you try again?

Awesome, all fixed and updated! Thanks so much!

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