Change Smart Contract Feature - Royalties


How do I access the smart contract feature to change things like royalty fees and admins?
Using the new site I can’t seem to find the functions.

Thank you.


Good Deer


Where can I find contract adjustment options without using etherscan.

Thank you.



As we’re migrating features in Studio, Etherscan is your best option. Is there anything unclear or not possible for you with the method outlined in our docs? Link:

Hi Ediep and Everyone on the forum.

I’ve been trying to get the royalties to work for my listing on the Sepolia testnet gallery.

The token royalties are set at the token level for token #1, but when I try to buy the #1 NFT, it doesn’t mention anything about paying the royalty.

Can someone help with what my be going on?

I checked on the contract and royalty registry and both say the royalty is set at 1000bps.

Thank you.


Contract: 0x382e0b09DFFC8D98935cFb815BCc098d9c511bb4