Changing image and metadata does not propagate to OpenSea and other markets

I followed the directions in the documentation concerning burning. Instead of burning it suggested replacing the image and metadata to make the art piece a different one.

But now SuperRare and OpenSea are not displaying the new image. How do I fix this? I already tried the refresh metadata feature.

Hey! :slight_smile:

For SuperRare you might need to reach out directly to them for them to refresh the metadata.

For OpenSea clicking on refresh metadata should be enough. Sometimes it might take a few minutes. If this is not the case, could you share the link to the token and we can take a look?

I had to do the same thing for FND. They don’t automatically refresh metadata.

Thank you - the refresh metadata does not do anything on OS

Rarible worked on one but not the other.

I see the same image on Rarible and OpenSea for both pieces:

Which also corresponds to what’s on chain.

Did you run a transaction to update both? I don’t see that transaction.