Claim out of sync

Getting this error and ive had 20 mints but its only showing 14 items on Opensea so im worried some people who purchased didnt get their item in their wallet. I already paid for transaction for ‘Sync Studio Settings to the Blockchain’ but it didnt change anything. At the top of the collection page it says ‘20 items total’ but when you scroll down you can only see 14 in search results. See here.

Also, now I cant see any of the 88 items metadata that I uploaded… when i click ‘View Metadata’ there is only one item metadata that shows up

Want to note that our mint had begun before I hit ‘upload to Arweave’ so I am wondering if this had something to do with it because I did that after the mint started so I think this is why it is not synced. Main question is am I okay to hit publish to blockchain without messing things up further?

gm! To clarify you’ve updated the metadata and you’re looking to do the reveal now or wait? What do you see when you click View Metadata?

Did you try to initiate a transaction before this happened?

For Opensea, has their platform still not updated? It’s usually better to check the activity on chain as the platforms can be slower to ingest tokens.

If you look here you can see the 9 that I airdropped to the team, then there is nothing else after that other than ‘register extension’ even though 13 people have minted from our mint page.

Here is mint page: Boost Wearables Genesis | Manifold

Also when I click view metadata this is all that shows up even though I uploaded 88 different metadata and hit upload to Arweave.