Claim page credit card payment enabling

Hello team,

I’m trying to enable credit card payment for my claim pages created on base.
I think I’ve gone through the steps required, including inputting the collection ID from Crossmint, etc.
Like this.

(The ‘no airdrop recipient’ part kept showing up, it seems but the option I needed was saved.)

Unfortunately, no other payment options are appearing.
I wonder why I don’t see the credit card payment option yet and if I missed something.

Please help meee

Thank you :>

Hmmm - Thanks for reaching out. Looking to have a few more questions answered before we can investigate. Are you looking to airdrop as well? Or just setup the Crossmint payments.

Can you provide a screenshot with the console showing? Instructions here:

Thanks for the response!

I’m not looking to airdrop; only trying to set up Crossmint payment.

Here’s the screenshot of the option setting page.

Can you confirm this is still an issue? I see that Credit Card minting seems fine here: Vision | Manifold


I just checked the page and I see now it’s properly showing up!

Thanks so much for checking!