Claim Page showing wrong mint time / date after attempt to bring it forward

  • What is your wallet address?

  • A summary of the issue
    I tried to move the mint time forward (from 8am on August 1st to 10pm July 31st - ACST), but it’s not updating on the claim page, despite showing the change when editing the Claim Page.
    Unplugged | Manifold

  • What are you trying to do?
    Change the mint time to earlier. I have been through publishing the change several time (including signing), but it still doesn’t update on the Claim Page.

  • A screenshot of the issue/error

  • What browser are you using?
    Shows the same on Firefox, Chrome, etc.

  • What wallet are you using?
    Coinbase Wallet for signing when making the changes in Studio.

Got it - Thanks for reaching out. Do you get any kind of error when you update?

Hi joseph!

The page is showing “Tomorrow at 8:30 AM” for me in EST, which translates to 10pm the same day in ACST. I think the update worked; sometimes we just need to wait a minute for the cached values to expire.

Thanks! Working now. I had tried clearing cache and had waited around an hour.

If you mean cache on the server side, it might help to have a note that details can take time to reflect on the Claim Page once published :slight_smile:

Definitely. Really appreciate the feedback - Let us know if there’s anything else you think needs a bit of attention!