Claim Page stuck on Loading Icon

Hello Manifold Community,

I was working on a claim page for my contract when an error came up saying to check and enter the hash id to prevent a duplicate from being created. I think the Hash id was for a previous transaction and not for the page that now is stuck. It’s not giving me an option to delete the claim page and it comes up as LIVE on the claim pages list. Thanks

gm! Thanks for reaching out. Can you take a screenshot of where this is showing as LIVE on studio? Did this happen after you tried to publish the page?

No problem, the error came up during the transaction. I don’t think it was able to finish the process of publishing the page. Thank you for the help with this.

When we check we see this claim in draft. Can you try logging out and clearing your cookies? If you still have the issue can you screenshot the entire screen (which would also show your account address on the top right)

It should show in draft for you. This claim does not appear to ever have been published.

Nice! The claim page is now on draft mode and ready to go Live. Thank you for the help.