Claims page issue / mistakenly using incorrect network

Wallet addresses:
RLD NFT to claim against in this wallet: 0xe2601273Be4c89A729a3fe0Af4BD6503BB20c27C
Delegate wallet used: 0xC6Aa79A22B08C794B25Dc58cb36F2250779CDF4f

Summary of issue:
Was trying to claim monthly art for OSF’s Red Lite District. Transaction appeared to go through but the art didn’t get minted to my address. In troubleshooting I realized I was on Blast network. Switched to mainnet to claim but it says I do not have any items to claim. I believe my address was recorded as already claimed even though I was on the incorrect network and it did not work properly.

Browser is Brave - have also tried Chrome and Firefox with same result.
Wallet: Metamask

I have tried to locate the transaction on Blastscan but have not had any luck finding it.

Claim page: REKTPIK DUCK | Manifold

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gm - Thanks for reaching out. Can you share a link to the transaction that went through?

Lyndo - I have not been able to find on blastscan.

I remember seeing the party emojis on the page so assume there should be one but I have not been able to locate it.

hi gman,

Looking into this - could you send a couple screenshots:

  1. Go to and connect with your delegate wallet you tried to mint from (0xC6A..).
    Then go to Profile → Incoming
    Just want to confirm the delegation from 0xe26 . It should look something like this.

2. Back on the [OSF claim page](, connect with your delegate wallet (`0xC6A..`) and click "Claim Now". And send a screenshot of the popup.



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oh wait I actually see now – are you in control of this wallet 0x770..27C ?

  1. 0xe26 had one allowlist spot

  2. looks like 0xe26 has delegated to 3 different wallets, but these two underlined are what we care about

this is the delegate contract and we can call getOutgoingDelegation with the vault address to see who can claim for the vault

  1. And it looks like 0x770..27C minted from this claim already

So that would be the reason you cannot mint from 0xC6A – the allocated mint on the allowlist was already used up by 0x770

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David - thanks so much for tracking this down even though I was clearly wrong about what happened. :man_facepalming:

That other wallet is also a delegate for the wallet holding the RLD NFT and I didn’t even think to check that one as I so rarely use it.

Sorry about the trouble and I really appreciate your help with this!


If possible would be great to have messaging for ‘already claimed’ and maybe the claiming wallet rather than ‘no claim available’ when this happens. For us stupid people that claim with a wallet we don’t use often. xD
Thanks again!


Yeah, no problem at all! Glad it makes sense for both of us :slight_smile:

And agreed the messaging could be more descriptive here – I created a ticket for it, and we will get around to improving it