Collector unable to mint a piece on Base

I received a message from a collector today stating that they were trying to mint one of my pieces on my Base contract but could not.

This is the message I got from them “Good morning. I couldn’t mint this
It kept saying switch network and I was like I am on base”

This is the listing Beneath the Nevada Sky: Red Rock Panorama - JoeZImages | Manifold

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gm! Thanks for reaching out. Seems like I’m able access this page fine. Screenshots along with a bit more info would help, ie What wallet/device/browser are they using?

Thank you for getting back with me on this. I have not heard back from the potential buyer as of yet but did ask someone else to try to purchase it to see if there were issues and they did not experience any problems. I will update this thread when I hear back from the buyer.

Were you able to try to purchase the piece with no issue of just access the page?

Thanks again,
