Collector's tab - loading forever


the collectors tab has been a forever loading screen for a couple of months now. i remember from earlier this year, that i used to be able to add contracts/tokens of my new mints that weren’t minted on manifold and were a part of collaborative collections through this tab but i’ve been stuck without it for a while.

not sure what the issue is. here’s what it looks like

gm! Thanks for reaching out - Can you provide the wallet address you use to log into Manifold Studio with? Can definitely take a look. The collections tab has since been moved to the settings where you can import/manage tokens.

hi! sorry for responding soo late. 0x862464bbd83d5743f9cf873c6ea3d187d0f909bf is the address i use to log in.

gm, this should be fixed now!

Let me know if you have any feedback as well! :slight_smile: We’re working on improvements for this feature

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