Community Forum Guidelines: Support & FAQ

Welcome to Manifold Forum! Please be cautious clicking links from community members. Manifold Team members will have a badge.

This is a place for our community to connect with each other, ask and answer each other’s questions, share feedback and more!

Support :beetle:

If you think you’re experiencing a bug/issue with Manifold, or need help with a specific topic check out our FAQ, likely it’s been asked already. Don’t find it there? Run a search on the respective forum and see if anyone else has encountered a similar issue.

Help the community help you! When asking for help from the community, please include as much information as possible when creating a thread. This includes:

  • Including the wallet address used to sign in
  • Links to the relevant contracts
  • Links to any relevant transactions
  • Screenshots
  • Steps to reproduce the issue

Do not DM or ping members of the Manifold Team privately. Please keep in mind that Manifold Studio is a free to use platform, our team will be online to answer threads occasionally but will not provide constant support via the forum or Discord.

Frequently asked Questions :inbox_tray:

Many of our users often run into the similar issues and we’ve compiled quite a few of these questions in our Frequently asked Questions and documentation.

You’ll find answers to questions like:

  • Why aren’t my tokens showing up on Opensea?
  • Where is the ETH from my Gallery auction?
  • How do I verify a token has been airdropped?
  • How do I burn a token?

Community Guidelines

:heart_decoration: Be kind and respectful
We welcome and encourage constructive conversations and healthy debate between community members. However, we will not tolerate harassment, threats, personal attacks, discrimination, or trolling of any kind. Again we want to make sure this community is a safe space for people of all backgrounds, identities, and beliefs.

:sparkles: Keep the forum organized
Help us keep the forum organized and constructive by searching for similar topics before posting a new one. Make sure to post in the proper category as well(we may help move threads to keep things organized)

:no_entry_sign: No Spam
Being a community of creators we don’t want to stop you from sharing your portfolio or anything like that, just be mindful. Any off-topic or excessive promotion will be removed without warning.

Topic and Replies

:memo: Be clear and concise
When posting new topics make sure that you have a descriptive title and body. Whether you’re sharing feedback or asking a question, make sure to include details, screenshots, links, etc. whenever applicable. This helps the community respond in a timely and appropriate manner and helps reduce duplicate topics. Generic topic titles will be renamed.

:bulb: Sharing feedback
When sharing a product idea (feature request) make sure to read the pinned thread in the category. The best posts in this category are ones that define a problem and offers room for possible solutions or workarounds. Please use the post template when creating a new topic. Note: that this category doesn’t represent Manifold’s actual roadmap, nor can we make any promises around timelines.

By giving feedback or suggestions to Manifold about our products or services, you agree that Manifold may use and exploit the feedback and suggestions without payment, attribution, or restriction.

:heart: Share the love
Use the “like” feature on topics and comments to show your appreciation for it.

Additional Resources:

  • For more about Manifold Studio check out our documentation!
  • Check out Manifold 101 for a complete walkthrough of our minting process.