Contract deployed on mainnet, not showing in dapp

I deployed this contract to mainnet, the TX went through, and I can see the contract on etherscan, but I cant interact with the contract or see it in the manifold studio. Can someone tell me what Im missing?

Here is the TX:
And the contract:

Hi there, this contract is now verified and should be available in studio.

Question for you, when did you deploy this contract? Was it just now or was it a while ago and the transaction was pending until recently?

We see that you originally created the contract on the 26th, and the deployment happened on the 28th. Did you navigate away from Manifold Studio while the transaction was still pending or before you confirmed it on metamask?

Had the same problem as well. Trying to figure out


Looking into this. Same questions as above though:
When did you deploy this contract from Studio? Was it recently or was it a while ago and the transaction was pending until recently?

Also, did you navigate away from Manifold Studio while the transaction was still pending or before you confirmed it on metamask?

Also, this should now show up in studio, can you confirm?

Thank you for your intervention. Just saw it was confirmed and live

Can you help us out by answering those questions so we can figure out what might have happened? Thanks.

Yes … it was pending from a while ago
And no, didn’t navigate elsewhere while deploying.

Hope it gives you important insight