Contract is not showing up as 1 of 1s on homepage to edit metadata

Hi, the tokens from some of my contracts are not showing up as “1 of 1s” on my homepage and so I cannot edit their descriptions/metadata.

My address: 0x3fAB089072b428FEc51628C2F8ff524425561f76

The main contract with the token I need to be able to update ASAP:

Other contracts not showing up:

Please help, thank you!

It looks like that contract is linked to the wallet:

However, we’ve just added you to that contract/workspace for your login account. Please refresh on your home screen and you should see the workspace containing this contract/token.

Hi, thank you. Does it show up qas linked to that account because that’s where the testnet contract was deployed even though the mainnet contract was deployed from the address I gave?

It’s possible that this is what happened. We did a migration earlier to have workspaces based on where things were deployed and the account that was logged in when the deployment happened. We’ll be introducing the ability to migrate a contract and all associated instances from one workspace to another in the future.