Contracts are not showing


I created 3 different contracts long time ago and didn´t use them but now I have to change something and after I logged in with the wallet it´s saying there are no contracts.

This is the link to one of the 3 Mintingpages: GOLD BY JOKER´S CHERRYS | Manifold
My 2 Wallets: 0xA5EE4F7ee7F3f033B56226E591cFDFcc22aB768f / 0x014196bdAA9515AAb63CCd577b758B61778e4e9E

Maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.

gm! - I’m double checking for you and I see three contracts under the wallet: 0x0BD8E028c6aFf55d7130B5A4fd3CeF64d18Ad6e8

This is the same wallet that created the claim page.

Hey Iyndo,

Thank you for your fast answer.
I don’t know how this is possible, non of my wallets has this adress.
I also found the TH where I send the ETH to the wallet but I don’t know where the wallet is, my Metamask is not showing it?!
Any Ideas why or how to fix?