Credit card payments not working

hi guys, I added credit card payments through crossmint, but they aren’t working on my claim page. within my collection settings, it shows that credit card payments are verified with a green check mark under my collection id. do you know what might be causing this? thanks!

claim page: based cards | Manifold
wallet address: 0xfB58e8c1a950C00DC6BE0c77458e5d313F4A98b5
browser: chrome

Hey erick,

Thanks for reporting - someone from our team is investigating and we’ll get back to you with next steps. Thanks!

We don’t see your crossmint settings enabled for the claim. If you go to the settings page for the claim, do you see it and did you hit save/publish after you input the crossmint info?

We spot the issue. Investigating.

hi erick,

Sorry about the issue - just fixed it for you and I see the Pay With Card option on your claim page now

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