Curate page - bug showing the wrong NFT Title

Loving the Curate page!!! congrats :wink:

i have 2 NFTs that are showing the wrong title in the Curate page.
But once i click the piece, it shows the correct title.

The Curate Page:

  1. “orsay” vs “probably nothing”

  1. White Stairs vs Temporary

I have no idea how to change these titles…

In the token page inside the Studio, if i click the EDIT tab, it shows me this warning:

“Chain Synchronicity Error
Looks like you’ve made some updates. Please republish.”


But i havent made any update to this NFT. Not sure why it says that.
Anyways, even after clicking “Publish” it doesnt fix the NFT title in the curate page,
and when i go back to this edit tab, it keeps showing this “Chain Synchronicity Error”

Can someone please help me? Thanks! :wink:

gm! If you remove the image from the Curate page and re-add it - What happens then?

same problem. i removed the nft from the curate page, clicked publish, checked it got removed and readded. Same incorrect title.

One thing that might help debugging: this “white stairs” really had this “temporary” title when i first minted the piece, since it was a placeholder NFT that i later updated.

Any idea what could be?

Could be related to this error on the NFT edit page
“Chain Synchronicity Error
Looks like you’ve made some updates. Please republish.”

I already clicked publish and paid gas fees, and it still shows this Synchronicity Error.

thanks for helping lyndo :wink:

Got it - So if we separate the issues and ignore Curate for now, the token is appearing as intended everywhere else? If this is the case, I’ll let the Sweetdrop team know to investigate. Re-adding the token should do the trick.

I added the token as well as a test and got the temporary title as well.

Yes, token title is correct everywhere else (FND, OS, manifold gallery, etc.)

Only issue seems to be with these 2 token titles inside the curated page:


Hey iuris,

The sweetdrop team mentioned they have since fixed the issue and it shouldn’t happen again.


Thanks Don & Lyndo.
i can confirm its fixed on my curated page :wink: