Curate page showing price of sold out art. Possible to remove price?

Hello fam.

I have created a curate page on Manifold to show arts I have minted under a contract. To fully understand I let here the link of the curate page: Cracked Eggs

Each piece in the contract is a unique 1/1 and in the curate page it shows the price of each piece. I have some questions about it.

  1. The Cracked Egg #1 I have shared a gallery listing but it doesn’t show the price in the curate page.

  2. The Cracked Egg #2 was sold out, but it is displaying the price.

What I would expect to see:

For #1 I would like it shows the price and for #2 I wouldn’t like to see the price (as it was sold out).

Is it possible?

Moreover, super congratulations with the development of the platform!

Best regards,

Got it! - Appreciate the feedback, let me know if there’s anything else you think would be useful for you. This feedback is super helpful.

Thank you lyndo!

So far, I think that’s the main issue I have noticed, and that I consider extremely important because people interested on some art need to click on the item and see if it is sold out already or not.

Got another idea that could make things really easy… a collect button right in the Curate page, on each item.

To summarize, I added a screenshot of what I mean with all suggestions I made before.

  1. Show price is an item is listed in Gallery
  2. Remove price and live if an item is sold out
  3. Include a collect button on items on sale to make easy for collectors

Thank you again!!