[Dec 22, 2023] We're migrating to Sepolia testnet!

The Goerli testnet is being deprecated, and Manifold will be migrating it’s testnet to Sepolia starting today. To deploy testnet contracts and mint testnet tokens, you can get sepolia ETH via https://sepoliafaucet.com/, https://www.infura.io/faucet/sepolia, or Ethereum Faucet for Sepolia by QuickNode. While your Goerli contracts will still exist, if you have existing contracts and tokens on Goerli, you’ll want to redeploy a new test contract on Sepolia for testing - Manifold Studio won’t support interacting with Goerli contracts.

Contracts and tokens on Mainnet, Base, and Optimism contracts are unaffected, and no other actions are needed at this time.

If you have any questions, feel free to share them below. Happy holidays from the Manifold team!

hello, after re-deploying my smart contract on Sepolia test network and minted my token, no preview options are available. Any idea?

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Having the same issue - after deploying a contract on Sepolia, I don’t see the contract title and symbol in More Info on Etherscan, so I can’t verify if I’m doing it correctly, and cautious deploying to the mainnet.
Please advice :pray:

hello! please open a separate thread if you have issues relating to the sepolia migration. apologies for the inconvenience, cheers!

see above comment! please open a separate issue so we can track this in its own thread. thank you so much.