Do In-Frame Mints still work?

in this article it says if u post a claim link on warpcast it will automatically create a frame, but mine didn’t do that…

wondering where i went wrong or how to fix

article: How do I add the Mint button to my Warpcast frame? | Manifold Help Center

In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:

  • What is your wallet address?
  • A summary of the issue
    trying to make a frame to mint my OE on base, but just posting the link
  • What are you trying to do?
    trying to make a frame to mint my OE on base, but just posting the link
  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?
    no error msg, just not showing a frame, just shows the link

  • What browser are you using?

  • What wallet are you using?

Are you looking on mobile or desktop? They should still work but I believe it’s mobile only.

Do you have a link to your farcaster post?

yes, here it is:

i posted it as an original post as well and it just posted as a link, did on desktop and mobile

Hmm. Odd. We’ll dig into this.

This should be resolved now. Might require another cast to actually get it to work on warpcast though.