Does Manifold Gallery support listing ERC-1155 editions minted via Etherscan?


Does Manifold Gallery support listing ERC-1155 editions minted via Etherscan?

I recall johnny listing editions on Manifold Gallery, but the Gallery FAQs say “Currently Gallery listings are limited to mainnet ERC721 tokens minted in Manifold Studio that you own in your wallet.” Are the docs just out of date, or are 1155s not fully supported?

gm! The docs are out of date(I’ve just updated) - If you go through the Gallery tool you’ll be able to select 1155 contracts!

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Thanks lyndo!

I’ve been able to list 1155s minted via Etherscan, and they’re appearing mostly as expected on the gallery page with contract address or custom URL:

But the artwork and metadata are not appearing on the share/listing page accessed from the gallery feed. No console error — just empty.

A couple of other observations:

  • The listing page shows the total number of editions for sale in a way that reads like it’s the total number of minted editions (which isn’t necessarily the case) — it might make more sense for 1155s to show the total number of minted editions to avoid any confusion?

  • The description and attributes appear in a different order depending on whether the token is listed or not — on unlisted tokens the description appears above the attributes; on listed tokens the description appears below the attributes; it might be nice to have these appear consistently?