Duplicate a NFT leads to generating a new NFT (but as draft)

I wanted to duplicate an existing NFT. It is supposed that a draft is generated and I can change all information - this worked until few days back. Duplicating an NFT token now, led to a new NFT token but not as a draft. Any help? thank you

hey pirate81,

thank you for reporting this issue. we are aware of the problem and are currently fixing it.

the duplicated One of One tokens have not actually been minted on-chain (as you may have noticed, there were no transaction requests for your wallet, nor additional tokens minted on your contract).

we will update you when a fix is out. in the meantime, please refrain from duplicating one of one creations.

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Hi mani_eng

Thank you for your fast reply. Yes, realized that. So it’s sounds like a “display” issue which will be fixed afterwards so that no unwantend duplicated creations are available?

Thank you for your support. Hope you will find the solution soon.


the fix is now out! duplicating one of ones should now work as intended. thank you for your patience.


great, thank you for your fast support! Have a great day!

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