Has anything changed with the embedded code for curation? I’ve been using this for my website for many months now and there have been no issues until now. I use Squarespace and I double checked the code applied to the header and the body and everything looked okay from my end, not sure why the artwork is not visible on my site… I contacted Squarespace as well, but thought to reach out to you all and see if there’s updates happening. Please let me know.
Hey Wilkins! How are you? Clearing my cache resolved the issue. Thank you so much! Here’s the link to my curated page if you would like to check it out for fun Curated — STUDIO REITH
Hmm. I looked all over for an embed code but don’t see one. Is it using the Curate app?
I know that curate is different, but I was going down the rabit hole of trying to find a way to embed the manifold purchase UI on my website to create an onramp for the cryptocurious (the market that visits my website isn’t Web3)