ERC1155ClaimTip minter bug (in `mintFor` contract param)

gm Manifold team —

It looks like there is a bug in the Thanks Page contract (ERC1155ClaimTip minter). We’re attempting to use the mint method and pass in a recipient wallet (separate from the signing wallet) via the mintFor field, but it looks like the implementation for this function does not properly handle the data passed and instead uses the msg.sender:

When we compare this to another minter (ERC1155LazyPayableClaim), the same method has the expected implementation:

Hi Christine,

The intention for “mintFor” is for the use case of “delegation wallet” such as
“mintFor” is being passed in “_checkMerkleAndUpdate” which check if the “mintFor” wallet delegated “msg.sender”, thus giving “msg.sender” proper authorization to mint to “msg.sender” wallet.
I can see where the confusion coming from since “mintFor” does not mean minting to “mintFor” wallet, but rather checking if “msg.sender” is allowed to mint, the recipient is still the “msg.sender”

Hope this clear things up. Also curious what is your use case that needed to use “mintFor”?