Error "cannot estimate gas, Creator: Extension must be a contract" while publishing claim page

Getting the following error and unable to proceed with publishing the claim page.

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Can you share your address and a link to the claim?


hi, I have the same error. My link to claim: Manifold Claim Pages
address 0xCBF6a2F2b068DcD6e686b0F90dC3c24FD9739e36

Do you need any other info? Thanks

Hi, sorry I could not wait more I had special event for collectors. So I set up new claim page and everything worked and deleted old one. Pity I lost a few coins on gas fee. If you can share details on how I can avoid this issue in future please let me know.

@bombaymalayali It looks like you solved your own issue with a new claim page.

But, this happened because when you created the claim, you were on the goerli testnet. If you want you can delete your old claim using the context menu on the right (“…”).

Will issue a fix to prevent this from being possible in the future.

I suspect you had a different error. I don’t see the same issue for your claims. There’s a lot of reasons you can get “cannot estimate gas”. The actual cause is further in the error message.