Error creating Base contract

Hey there. You can see here that something is rerouting or blocking our domain requests. Please check your other plugins.

Can you click on the network tab and look at the failing network request if there is one? Basically something is being returned or proxied by the wallet in a weird way. It can’t parse the deployment response for some reason.

So are you using rainbow with metamask or something else? Which browser combo (so we can try on our end). What are all the installed extensions?

im using rainbow for evm. the errors say using:

  1. Page Errors

  2. 1

Incorrect use of

1. The label's `for` attribute doesn't match any element `id`. This might prevent the browser from correctly autofilling the form and accessibility tools from working correctly.

To fix this issue, make sure the label’s for attribute references the correct id of a form field.


  1. 1 resource

    1. Violating node

3. * Learn more: The label elements
  1. 1

Breaking Changes

  1. 1

Deprecated feature used

1. Specifying overflow: visible on img, video and canvas tags may cause them to produce visual content outside of the element bounds. See .


  1. 1 source

    1. edit:0

3. * Learn more: Check the feature status page for more details.
  * Learn more: This change will go into effect with milestone 108.
  1. 4


  1. 3

A form field element should have an id or name attribute

1. A form field element has neither an `id` nor a `name` attribute. This might prevent the browser from correctly autofilling the form.

To fix this issue, add a unique id or name attribute to a form field. This is not strictly needed, but still recommended even if you have an autocomplete attribute on the same element.


  1. 3 resources

    1. Violating node

Violating node
Violating node

3. * Learn more: The form input element
  1. 1

No label associated with a form field

1. A `<label>` isn't associated with a form field.

To fix this issue, nest the <input> in the <label> or provide a for attribute on the <label> that matches a form field id.


  1. 1 resource

    1. Violating node

3. * Learn more: The label elements

and im using brave if i didn’t mention before, all other evm wallets are disabled

I’ll try with brave later tonight to see if I can reproduce.

Those warnings shouldn’t be the issue.

Does a prompt ever come up to execute the transaction?

nope. ima try from my linux laptop later and see if that makes a difference somehow. if it works on garuda with no issue im giving up on web3 lol

Are you using Brave with another wallet (like Metamask) or Brave with something else?

ya here’s some screenshots. i’ve used [Arc + metamask]
[Arc + Rainbow] [Firefox + Metamask] [Firefox + Rainbow]

I uninstalled every extension and reinstalled only metamask and it worked, contract deployed. maybe it’s rainbow, not sure. thanks a bunch for your help dude, you’ve been working overtime lol. hopefully this is the only issue. cheers

I’m going to try to see if it’s a phantom + MM combo issue. Thanks for the help in narrowing it down.

Any luck? FWIW, I was able to use Metamask + Brave. What combo are you using? Have you tried disabling Phantom? Seems like this might be causing an issue in some cases