GM Lyndo and team!
I just need help fixing some errors on my primary curation page.
On some of the pieces when you click on them they take you to an error page where the image doesn’t load. And then for a good portion of them the price shows up with a jumble of numbers.
Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the heads up! Will look into the issue - The error seems intermittent, I saw the error for a minute but the link seems to be working now.
I just popped into the webpage to double check… it seems to show the error on the latter half of my NFT’s. One example here: 次のレベル | NEXT LEVEL | Manifold
I also checked on mobile and desktop – it shows up either way with the error.
Thanks for your help in advance Lyndo.
Oh wait, you’re right it is intermittent. Why does that happen?