Error submitting transaction | Reason: You must give the listing permission to transfer your tokens

Ok, that one is probably normal. Can you show more of the error log, particularly what pops up after you click the buy button?

Ah, I can reproduce this. This is specifically a problem with wallet connect. If you don’t use wallet connect, you shouldn’t have this issue, we’re looking into it.

Alright, to fix this for now, you’ll have to configure a ‘fallback provider’, which should enable your WalletConnect functionality to work properly.

Configure it by logging into studio and going here:

Allow the endpoint to be accessed by the gallery domain.

The Error message happened for my friend with Metamask. It’s not just a WalletConnect error. Entering the gallery domain into the Fallback Provider did not change anything.

I’m a new user on Manifold Forums, so I was limited to 13 replies yesterday.

Thank you for your help so far, I followed you on Twitter. Follow me back @LouHundo.

The metamask issue should be resolved now. Have you tried on Metamask or have you added a fallback provider? The wallet connect option should be hidden now until you add one.

My friend just tried it again on Metamask and it did work! Thank you! Follow me on Twitter!