Error unknown updating claimpage

  • What is your wallet address?

  • A summary of the issue
    I want to change the end date on the claimpage of Based Popcorn | Manifold. I get this:

  • What are you trying to do?
    Updating claim page and set date to infinite

  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?
    “An unknown error occured. Please contact support…”

  • A screenshot of the issue/error with the console. Instructions here: Manifold Docs

  • What browser are you using?
    BRAVE (and chrome)

  • What wallet are you using?

gm! Thanks for reaching out - Can you take a screenshot with the console visible? This will help us see what errors are coming up.

Can you try

  1. pressing cancel
  2. refreshing the page in your browser
  3. trying to update again

And if that does not work - sending screenshot of your console


Thanks for your quick reply. Sorry that I was slow was AFK for a while.
" 1. pressing cancel
2. refreshing the page in your browser
3. trying to update again"
But it didn’t work.

okay I see the error message:
Wallet is not an administrator for contract

Could you manually disconnect your wallet and reconnect with the wallet you published the contract with? Then try again

Embarassing mistake that is. Will try!

It worked out. Thank you. That wallet wasn’t linked to my account so missed it.