Error when Uploading metadata to Arweave (again)

Been trying to update the metadata on Mainnet for many hours.
Stuck at ‘‘Uploading metadata to Arweave.’’
It never gets to the ‘initiate the transaction’.

Occasionally, an error shows up.

What happens if you refresh the page? How large are the files?

I am having this same issue. When I refresh the page it just starts the process over again and still stays stuck.

My largest file is 2MB.

Currently 11 Mb, but tested with large and small.
When refreshing, it is still stuck at ‘‘Uploading metadata to Arweave,’’ or sometimes, I get the message that my tokens were updated, but I never get to signing the contract step.

manifold error again

Eventually, every time, it gets to ‘‘Token Updated on Mainnet’’ every time when it clearly hasn’t.

My wallet: 0xdA96de572ce0A1819e20bb42e8BD8b5C36FAeE06
Contract: 0xFa1341A8E45953ac8aD17127F0ec2d8CFdcD59bf

We’re looking into this and trying to reproduce the error - Can I ask what browser are you using? Are you on mobile/pc/mac?

gm!We’re looking into this and trying to reproduce the error - Can I ask what browser are you using? Are you on mobile/pc/mac?

Tried both PC and Mac - The browser is Firefox 115.0.2

Got it - Is there anyway you can take a screenshot of your console log. Instructions here: Reporting Issues to the Forum - Manifold Docs

I am on Brave.

FWIW, I was still able to mint new tokens, even after receiving this error. It seems to have to do with updating the metadata solely.

Are you still having this issue? Should be resolved now

Thanks for the screenshots - Can you give this another shot?

Just checked. It’s resolved on my end.

Thank you!

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Thank you. All good now. The issue has been resolved.

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