Farcaster free frame cant publish, initialSponsoredEditions error

Trying to set up a new mint for 1000 editions, following requirements, on an older base contract that has one edition already, media is uploaded.

I click next to go from step three to step 4 and I get a message that says “Error Saving” but a message shoots up for a split second and says:

"1 issue found. initialSponsoredEditions: invalid enum value. Expected 5’ | 25’ | 50’ | 100° | 200* | 500;, received 1000*

It looks like it works if I set it to 500 but really looking to do 1000 or even 1500 for this one if that is possible.
Both the 1000 and the 5000 don’t work and throw up this error.

gm - We’ll need more information to investigate. Can you take a screenshot of your console on he error screen?

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The error message flashed up for a half a second and captured that error message filming in slow motion. Otherwise it just says error

working on the console thing now will update asap

here is the shot of the console after trying a brand new frame from the frame app

After clearing the console and trying again

I just launched farcaster frame app, uploaded image, filled in details, attached to my older contract with my other free frame mint, picked 1000 and “follow to mint option” then click next and get this error, The same happens with 5000 but all other edition size options work and I get taken to the next page

On desktop, windows, chrome browser, mm wallet, no transactions pending and enough eth for the transaction (but it does not seem to be a transaction thing, more of a not wanting to select 1000 or 5000 in that menu)

This should work now!


Thanks so much for the help!!

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