File shows up as thumbnai gif instead of file

I updating the file three times now and every time it only shows the gif that is the thumbnail and not the actual file that has audio on it. That’s an animated piece thats 111 seconds long it’s doing the same thing on every platform to

can you help tired of wasting gas fees trying to update the file wondering if it was like a file size issue or something

I also just noticed when I went back to the listing on my contract and only the gif is showing up with actual file is not there anymore with not artwork or thumbnail options

gm! Appreciate you reaching out and letting us know. We’re investigating this issue and will keep you updated.

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thank you really appreciate that

Thanks for reaching out again!

We’ve resolved this issue and I just tested it on my end with a sample listing. If you give it another shot everything should be working as expected. Let me know if you’re running into any other issues!