File size limit


I’m trying to upload a large video and need to increase the file size limit. I see in different places it says there is a limit of 200mb and somewhere else it says it is unlimited. And In forum posts it says you are supposed to post here to increase it. Please can this be done as soon as possible? The video is 1.02 GB…

For my contract: 0xBa2D5cA7225E427c3c9Fa8f40Da209ff872e9adD

Thank you

I minted a placeholder (token 15) because I wanted this piece minted in 2024. So if I could have the ability to update that it would be great, thank you

Apologies for the delay - The documentation that there is a file size limit is dated, there actually shouldn’t be a limit. How big was the file? Did you encounter any error while uploading?

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Hi, I did get a frowning face with X eyes one time, other times just kept loading for a long time… the file is 1.02gb. I will keep trying I suppose, thanks

Is it possible to share the file with us?

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just emailed, thanks

i also tried to do it via IPFS/etherscan as well as the animate_url hidden attribute but when doing that it just displays the top half of the video without sound when viewed in your gallery display, and just the still image on other marketplaces

i also have tried compressing it to about 550mb from the original 1gb (which i emailed) and that still doesn’t work … sometimes it is loading for hours

thank you

See the issue you’re running into - We’re investigating. Will keep you updated in this thread

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hey there looks like the preview is not working as expected - rest assured if you fill out the rest of the required details you will be able to click save and proceed to the next steps. In the mean time we will be fixing up the media preview!

Hi, thanks but not sure what you are referring to. Do you mean the preview of my IPFS file which I updated via etherscan? That would be great, but if possible I would still also like to be able to upload it as usual to Arweave through the studio. Thank you

okay well three weeks later it seems this was not resolved on desktop (it works on mobile) but on desktop it sometimes crashes the whole page (error code 5)

i also just tried making a gallery listing and when i try to view that page it also crashes.

please can i get some answers about this? is this just never going to work? do i need to use another platorm?


Thanks for the followup - Can you provide a screenshot of where you’re stuck?

The page that is crashing when creating a new listing - Which page is this? Is this after you’ve created a listing?

Both the gallery page and the listing page crashed. After I created a new listing. I don’t have a screenshot but it said error code 5. But even the original display issue was not addressed after weeks so I am a bit disappointed and am giving up on this now (and cancelled my listing). The ipfs video does not play on any marketplace but I hoped we could figure it out at least for the Manifold gallery because otherwise there’s not much point of having minted it… Thanks anyway

hey natrix,

sorry about the bad experience in studio having the file crash the page. we have just put out a fix that should make uploading + editing new files a lot faster.

let us know if you ever revisit and use studio to put your art on chain :pray:

i apologise again for the delay.

Hi, I am now trying to list it for a private sale and it crashes every time. See here: it is crashing, every time, after the rotating circle icon, and then it completely crashes. And also, the title of the piece just says “Loading…”
And then the listing page itself does not load. I get this image:

Please help as soon as possible. I need to be able to sell this. Thanks.

hey natrix,

you can send this link to your private buyer: stream of consciousness and they should be able to purchase through that instead, as long as they connect with the correct wallet address.

thanks for the response, when i click on to the listing from there it still doesn’t show my piece or have the title/description/contract address. i realize the transaction would still take place but is that display just not going to work properly?


hey natrix, sorry for the confusion.

i meant to suggest to your private buyer to purchase directly through the link, without going to the link.

they will be able to connect their wallet directly on the stream of consciousness page, and see the details of said listing.

anyone else will not be able to bid on the listing.

this is what your private buyer should see (screenshot from a separate private listing, with the wrong wallet connected):

it should appear to below the “view” button

let me know if this works!

Okay thanks and why does it say 0 eth when it is 2 eth?

Also do you know what happened to my description?