File Upload Error

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Hello everyone!

I deployed my ERC721 contract a couple of days ago, did the test mint and everything went well.

I have then deleted the test mint (because I want to int an updated render) and now when I try create a new token I get a file Upload error. The file is an MP4 under 50MB rendered with the same settings as the test mint that worked 48 hours ago.

What am I doing wrong?! :smile:

Thanks for your time

Hey there, sorry about that, you didn’t do anything wrong. We’re investigating an issue on our end with the uploader service right now.

I’ll update this thread once we have it sorted out.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We’ve resolved this issue and Studio should be back up and running.

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You’re a wonderful team, THANK YOU!!!

I’m on mainnet and keep getting “file load error” when I’m trying to mint a new token. Any help

Thanks for reaching out! We’re investigating and will keep this thread updated: File Upload Error (April 13, 2023)