I’m working with @crypt0zan with their initiative to onboard artists to the NFT world and onchain markets. We have minted all the NFTs on Optimism, however there seems to be no way to create a gallery view on the website!
A few of the minted NFTs as an example:
- gallery.manifold.xyz/WIB2023_055/
- gallery.manifold.xyz/WIB2023_043/
- gallery.manifold.xyz/WIB2023_040/
- gallery.manifold.xyz/WIB2023_033/
The full collection, deployed using manifold gallery website: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0xcf80223f8b048b2491ed94957eaf973b1a6da24c
So basically if we can have a gallery view to show all the NFTs under this contract, or potentially have a curated way of adding NFTs under the same view, that will do.
Even tried hosting it ourselves but the card view is broken with no debuggable error messages !
Share.manifold does not seems to support Optimism!
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Curate app does not seem to be working with unrelated error messages
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